An e-commerce website facilitated with user login/logout, Facebook OAuth, Razorpay Payment API. Initially inspiration was to deploy both models to the website. But then only one ML model could be successfully deployed to website. ML model 1: Disease prediction based o symptoms ML model 2: Chatbot
Got a good job, rest you can see on link provided. (heroku baar baar un–deploy kr deta hai app bata dena re-deploy kar dunga)
Link 1: (is course me course 3 app dev ka hai to can be skipped if not interested) There are three Udemy courses for ML 1. Pyhton bootcamp zero to hero 2. Python and R for Data Science 3. Machine Learning A to Z
Website Audio-Visual Animation built using Paper.js (Google Search to find) Sounds with Howler Library
Campusfarre is a online learning platform build using django, html and css.
The site contains a section related to web-dev in which you can find all relevant materials. Link:
Created Cryptographically secure polling booth using blind and digital signatures. Implemented RSA, SHA 256 from scratch. Used Tkinter to make interactive application implementing the above algorithms and protocols. Course Exposure Studied DES( Data Encryption Standard) with different hyperparameters and demonstrated the Avalanche effect. Demonstrated CBC mode( Cipher Block Chaining) hides features better than ECB mode( Electronic Codebook) with Blowfish as an encryption algorithm on a binary image.
Network security (open elective course offered by cse department) course slides. Sir uploads the pdf of all the semesters there and it is accessible to all the students of that course, so ask for the notes from your friends who have taken up that course
Finding shortest path between two points chosen by the user.
An Online E-Commerce Active Website built using Liquid & MEAN Stack, with active Razorpay & Paytm Payment API Integrations with failure payment capture rate only 2.5%, custom API built for active warranty & unboxed products picture display utility. Integrated with close to 20 API's for different functionality. Deployed on AWS Servers.
---Developed a Webstie which is useful for hiring process.A recruiter can take quiz of candidates based on their skiils (which extracted from their resume) and can check which candidates are eligible(based on their quiz result) for further process. --Used django authentication form for login and logout functionality of candidates. --Used Djnago for backend and html,css,javascript for building user interface. --Added various sections in recruiter panel like add,edit and delete questions and setting eligibility criteria of quiz etc. --Added various sections in candidate panel like my profile,quiz,analysis of result etc. --Exposure:- Django,HTML,CSS,JavaScript
Development and management /maintenance of the institutes sports Council website.
Development and design of a GIS based 3D navigation app of IIT BHU campus.
The web map application works on the server responsively and has in-depth detail about different places in our college campus. The webapp is much similar to google maps but is much more advanced and detailed. a lot of work has been completed and we are planning to host it from Geoinformatics lab IIT BHU once we're back in campus. It has many applications and can be integrated with many more advanced technologies like ML, Iot etc.
ArcGIS for developers ( ArcGIS documentation A bit of webdev knowledge. Esri training website And previously made open source projects on github.
Backend development for login/signup using Nodejs and javascript. Frontend using HTML, CSS.
First step towards web development. Used by all sites for user authentication. Features related to encryption and session id can also be added.
Youtube videos on building a restful API using Nodejs.
E commerce website
Youtube Code with harry channel ,Js tutorials
The website is built using JS, CSS & HTML only a good one for the starters and newbies, displays a particular color and user have to select correct one from the boxes
This application built using Node.js, Express,, Mongoose, RESTful Web Service. Features: 1. Uses Express as the application Framework. 2. Real-time communication between a client and a server using 3. Uses MongoDB, Mongoose for storing messages, and querying data. 4. Uses RESTful Web Service for serving different platforms.
Learn real application of web-dev and explore it.
---Build a resturant website using react. ---Added some pages like Home,Menu,About us and contact us. ---Used functional and class components for building Pages. ---Implement Redux form for Submit feedback about resturant and submit Comment about some dish. ---Used Redux store for storing data of website and connect this store with json-server. Exposure:- React,Git
In first project we need to build a web app which is used to find shortest path using various algorithms like Dijkstra, A* ,etc while overcoming the obstacles on the way. Similarly in second project also we need to build a web app for Tic Tac toe game for multiple players using min max algorithm.
Many of companies requires pre knowledge or web dev little this will be a great help .
Geeks for geeks for learning various algorithms, W3schools for learning web dev,etc. We did it with the help of html javascript and react js .so can go for you tube tutorial of clèment mihailscue or also you can do course on Coursera for front end backend web development.
A social media website built with Django.
A working social media website.
1. Built a basic registration website for gym registration. 2. Used HTML, CSS, Javascript for building user interface. 3. Added various html pages like home, About Us, Calculate BMI, Time Table in navbar.
Major-Technologies used-MongoDB, Express, Angular.js, Node.js, Passport.js (for authentication) Functionalities- 1. User Authentication using Passport.js 2. Extended CRUD Functionality for author only edit features 3. API Integration for Active Price Display 4. Design using Bootstrap 5. Landing Page Slideshow built with Flexbox
You can subscribe to this bot to get periodical covid-19 cases alerts on your telegram app. Data was retrieved using APIs. Language used - python
Youtube videos, articles on 'telegram bots'.
Designed a user friendly web page using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Implemented minimax algorithm based functional paradigm ,used appropriate heuristics and optimized the code using alpha beta pruning to reduce its time complexity.
Web page of the game works efficiently , prints win/loss and draws messages depending upon the situation.
An unbeatable tic tac toe where player cannot win against the computer
Game should run without any error, in any case the game should end in either a draw or with machine winning the game
Easy to Use Vaccine Notifier. Sends Instant Email Alerts whenever a Slot is available in the nearest Vaccination Center. Uses Cowin APIs for fetching Real-time Data, additionally have features like check Available Slots, Covid-19 Live Statistics, and Breaking News related to Covid. Tool and Technologies Used: 1. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (For Responsiveness) 2. Javascript and jQuery as Framework (For Interactivity) 3. Nodejs, Express, and MongoDB for Backends and Database 4. Miscellaneous Tools: Node-Cron, NodeMailer, chart.js, Cowin and News API's, Git and Github 5. Deployment: Heroku and AWS Uses Node-Cron for scheduling tasks and Node-Mailer for Sending Emails. MongoDB for Storing User Data. Cowin APIs are used for fetching real-time Vaccine slots. Chart.js is used for plotting Doughnut Pie Charts and NewsAPIs are used for getting News Headlines related to Covid-19 and Vaccinations.
Made an web app which detects all the faces in any uploaded image. User has to register and the number of images uploaded by him will be shown and bar for the link of the next image will be shown.
I have currently 3 projects that are ready to be deployed . All are websites for some purpose and the things are done by my own. I used HTML, CSS, JS and AngularJs for frontend , PHP for backend and mysql database.
Output is like I am now able to sell websites to some one and earn money as a already did one. You got some extra knowledge where you can show your creativity and earn money.
-Developed a user-friendly Web application for sending and receiving messages in real-time. -Used ReactJS for frontend and Firestore for retention of messages. -Added user authentication using Google account with the help of Firebase authentication. -Authenticated users can exchange messages as texts, emoticons and images. -Users can either interact privately or create public rooms where all users can send, view and like messages.