Data is hosted on an AWS server, which is fetched using the Android App and displayed. Polynomial regression is also performed on the data to plot a prediction.
An app which could potentially be deployed in powerplants is developed.
Designed and developed an "all-in-one" productivity app integrated with features like habit-tracker, pomodoro-timer, to-do lists, calendar integration, voice & written notes, meditation routine etc. Emphasis on UI design which minimizes the friction in switching between different third-party apps. Provides complete customizability and themed designs to align with one's personal-productivity goals. Dart Packages used :- flare_flutter, sqflite, flutter_audio_recorder, table_calendar, charts_flutter etc. Exposure: Android Studio, Flutter SDK, Dart, UI design, API integration
The complete flutter development course by App Brewery
Built a CNN model that predicts the emotion of the face and deploys it in Android