Used submerged and solid state fermentation technology to produce amylase enzyme from wheat and rice husk and analyzes enzyme activity. Assessed quality of ganga river during lockdown and predicted the water quality parameters using ml and mathematical models computationally.
In first project, leart the lab protocols and how to use various instruments. Also how to handle living organisms in laboratory. In second project, learnt the programming languages, machine learning and how to apply various models to a particular problem.
In first project, only one can read the process from internet. As this was completely experimental, knowledge of lab instruments and procedures is very important. In second project, authentic data was taken from CPCB website. Rest there are various models available and new models can also be defined as per the requirement and simulated computationally.
Designed a 16-bit ALU using Verilog HDL that performs 16 basic operations on inputs. Synthesized the circuit using Quartus Prime software. Created a testbench for the ALU and verified its operation using Modelsim software
It is a prototype car which uses the pressurized air as a fuel and the transmission would be similar to shaft transmission, but as it is a prototype we used actuators instead of shaft.
The feasible output would be a car with 0% pollution.
To study the alloying effects and mechanical effects of high entropy alloys,and aim to analyse the mechanical structure and mechanical properties of Mg-Si alloy ,Further how a high entropy alloy can be reinforced on the Mg-Si Matrix
Biochemistry and wet lab
Learnt a lot of wet lab and calculated amount of enzyme that can be produced using waste
NCBI and google scholar
Used python to analyse genomic data
Yes, my research set the base for the next work of the prof.
A lot. Contact me for them.
In today's date there's a very hidden but important emerging crisis of antimicrobial drug resistance. In simple terms it is the development of resistance to certain drugs by microorganisms. This can be due to many reasons like some mutation in the microorganism, changes in the microbiome or drug mechanisms etc. I'm working on drug resistance in Tuberculosis, where Mycobacterium tuberculosis has developed resistance to the first-line drug prescribed by WHO, Isoniazid. This is because of some mutations in one of the proteins of MTB, InhA. This affects the binding of drug with the protein. In this project I'm trying to uncover the mechanism of drug action through structural biology perspective and come up with an alternative drug class or type of inhibitory molecule.
Have learned a lot of computational skills in biochemistry and proteomics area. Some basic wet lab practices regarding protein isolation from a microorganism. For any specific questions, ping me on whatsapp.
For anything specific regarding results you can contact me personally. Other sources are in the links.
Various experiments with Microconcrete by varying its properties
Research papers available on net
In this project Mathematical modelling of the ball and plate system was to be done and after modelling a controller was to be designed on it by which we can control the ball on the plate.
You will get to know how to model the system , linear control system theory, non-linear control system modelling ,how to do code for controlling systems which is useful in many fields these days. This project help in understanding the control system in real life. Those who are interested in core, for them this a good project which can help them land in a good internship( Even foreign internship in electrical core).
You can contact me or search in google you can find many videos
A whole prototype circuitry that monitors everything of a lead acid battery like charging, discharging, short-circuit, overcharge, ober-discharge.
Successfully designed the prototype that met the required features upto good extends.
The project aims to establish a relation between velocity and mass of external galaxies. You'll get a brief intro of the astronomy terms.
NA You may take help from this article.
Purify the Ruby Gold glasz
A grade
Prof Anil Kumar will provide you books for this project
This project is an attempt to implement a speed control system for a DC Motor using the PID controller on MATLAB. The output of motor is coupled to a control circuit which senses and rectifies the error in angular position and velocity till the desired pre-determined point.
1. Position control of a dc motor using PID controller Samadhi Manasa, Swapna Rani.T, M. Veda chary, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) 2. Optimal Design of PID Controller for the Speed Control of DC Motor by Using Metaheuristic Techniques, Mirza Muhammad Sabir and Junaid Ali Khan, Advances in Artificial Neural Systems
The task is to create a data acquisition system which will measure the temperature of the surrounding.
A complex database management system with all the tables in normalised forms and functionalities using Spring MVC Framework
Fully functional full stack website
Code with Durgesh -youtube channel to learn spring MVC, any java tutorial, tutorials point or any other YouTube resource for Database knowledge
The light control system designed to adjust the light intensity according to the number of people in the room, and switching ON only in the presence of humans.
To design the given rectifier by doing calculation, simulation, and analysis of the components to get the desired ripple factor
The output is that the rectifier has the low ripple factor
Any site related to power electronics...just typing the topic on Google will do
Plugin that generates the 3D model of the coal seam.
In this project, we design a electric vehicle which is a very trending topic nowadays.
In the future, whole world is going towards electric vehicle so better to contribute to such a field.
Many sources are available on internet.
Electric vehicles, it's components
Because of pandemic, we weren't able to construct any circuits and do a practical but, different circuits using components like resistors, thyristors, power converter to maximize the output of ev's
Exploratory project. Mainly talks about uses of layer double hydroxides and their uses. particular LDH compound was synthesised on instructions of superwiser.
Sources such as research papers and some books provided my the supervisor are sufficient
This project presents the concept of fault detection and location in a Power Microgrid making use of the machine learning concepts like Artificial Neural Network. Due to the high current at the time of fault occurrence, the whole system might be de-energized which would have a severely negative impact on the entire system. An effective method to detect, isolate, and protect the power microgrid system against the effects of short circuit faults is extremely important. This project aims to work on a highly effective new method to protect the microgrid system using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that will detect and find the location of the fault before it affects other parts of the system. It would, therefore, be more dependable for microgrid protection. This protection network is distributed all along the power microgrid system protecting the entire microgrid network and is connected to the other protective devices in the system. This project focuses on detecting faults and identifying the location of the faults on electric power transmission lines in the power microgrid network.
Make a working model of high frequency transformer of 100VA
You won't be able to test if your transformer is working or not because of instrument availability in our college, for me the prof didn't tell this in the start of project
Go through research paper for calculations
The task is to discover a new learning based approach that can potentially improve our computational imaging tasks or can be extended to the other types of computational imaging tasks with similar features. For the 3D particle field imaging using holography and demonstrate them with synthetic and experimental holograms.
Simulation of the hologram in the form of Images.
Development and design of a GIS based 3D navigation app of IIT BHU campus.
The web map application works on the server responsively and has in-depth detail about different places in our college campus. The webapp is much similar to google maps but is much more advanced and detailed. a lot of work has been completed and we are planning to host it from Geoinformatics lab IIT BHU once we're back in campus. It has many applications and can be integrated with many more advanced technologies like ML, Iot etc.
ArcGIS for developers ( ArcGIS documentation A bit of webdev knowledge. Esri training website And previously made open source projects on github.
A portable machine fitted with alder carrier that can cut the metal sheet into desired shape autonomously. Input would be a CAD file.
It's actually tough to execute. Even the Laser would cost more than 10K. Suggested not to pursue it.
Prepared laundry detergent in the lab using low cost, easily available, antimicrobial Neem Seed oil and compared cleaning action and biodegradability with market detergents using foam test and BOD test along with cost analysis
Detergent manufacturing and learning about the components and additives, BOD testing, detergent properties, cost analysis
In this project, we focus on new power transmission system which include micrgrids.
IEEE Xplore research papers
It used satellite maps of river North koel, in software named ArcGIS to find the properties, nature and age of basin.
Done in tata steel wom seasin 4 and technex robonex category
Participate in hackathons
Presentation Link Given
Detailed study of the power electronics devices
Neutal Networks was used to detect amd locate fault
Already made microgrid form matlab website
Simulation of regen in BLDC and storing energy in super capacitor in simulink
Attaining appreciable regen efficiency in the braking process for light EV application
We had made an all terrain vehicle
Physical first degree separation of hostel waste was done upto >80% accuracy. Built our own prototype. Web links for the theory procedure can be easily found if done some research from internet.
Low cost and maintainance. Large installation yet to be figured out.
Tried to get the selective voice amplified and clear from a noisy crowd using a amplifier system and a ml model trained on specific voice Initiative to separate all the sound sources that are present in class and then amplify profs voice. It Is a very tough problem, so we started with signal separation algorithm(ICA) just applied that. It also needs various specifications. But was good learning. It really stands out in your resume. Believe me or not.
We got the separated voice of our choice but not will full accuracy as the part of amplification was not much focused upon.
Just Google the cocktail party problem Google independemt componet analysis-- unsupervised learning problem. Search about google voice, Alexxa etc.
a) A dual axis Solar tracker was developed, with all the simulation, mathematical analysis and hardware implementation. b) Spider-bot is the project done under the Technical activity Centre (TAC) IIT BHU, but hardware model need to be modified to work it completely, it is still in TAC with almost, 75-80% work done. c) Simulation of the maximum point tracking for the PV panel output, its working in standalone condition as well as with the different loads. d) The leakage current minimization is a high-level project which require a deep knowledge in Power Electronics field, and also closed-loop control simulation knowledge and feedback circuitry as well. This project cannot be done alone, it require the guidance of the professor. My project was under RK Singh Sir.
Each project has its own output. Majorly the solar tracker project is implemented with the real time and an increase in power output of 10-15% is obtained since our panel was of very less watt. Other projects need to be first understood with the related papers specially for the PV, and MPPT there are various sources available like Youtube specially go for some research papers for the better understanding. Then the project can be performed, and the output was to obtain a better power output, some boost methods and buck methods as required by the load.
No such links till now. It is with me only. Only solar tracker project parts are at GitHub, which may be found with the link. I will request you that however you may find major parts of the project, there is no point if you don't understand it. So, take help with it, but don't just copy.
Sun tracking extension to a solar panel to increase productivity
Designing several converters like boost converter with MPPT algorithm, bidirectional buck-boost converter, single phase grid connected inverter.
Gone through several research papers for each topic.
If u have an interest in doing ML project but sometimes B.Tech project is more specific towards your branch than this would be perfect for you.
In intern if you sitting for ML field you will have one project extra than other that is Btech project. And with this you will learn about ML algo.
Contact me if you want to do this project, I will provide my Jupyter Notebook and pdf submitted.
What is MPA? Mycophenolic Acid(MPA) is an immunosuppressant. (In simple words, if I have a kidney, liver or lung transplant, my immune system will identify the new organ as a foreign system and may attack it, to prevent this MPA suppresses this action till the organ gets adjusted and till my body believes that this organ is not "foreign" stuff), What's an issue with this, & our aim? MPA is a little expensive, our project aims to reduce its production cost. What will we do? In simple words, There are microorganisms which when you expose them in certain conditions, produce MPA. So, we set up different combinations of conditions to produce this to end up with the set of conditions that produce optimized results. To enhance this journey we 1. Understand the mechanism by which Microorganism produces so as know what changes we make to get optimized results. 2. Conduct a literature review to know about better conditions to adapt. 3. Use statistical methods to optimize this process of arriving at optimized results. Besides, the computational and simulation aspect of this project is yet explored, which we aim to do, so as to create a library/tool to help people who work on similar lines. Here above, point 1 and point2 have already done a Ph.D. student mentor and got the paper published. I was instructed to replicate and understand it. The 3rd point and last objective is what entrusted to me, and will be doing it almost alone. I'll this section to describe my lame exploratory project one line which involved, was collecting fruit waste samples from fruit/juice corners of IIT(BHU), then characterizing what all microorganisms are there.
1. Ideally, to have MPA prices down in the market. (But will just end up publishing a paper, unless anyone has the will to convert research results to influence the market). 2. End up making a 'go-to' computational, simulation tools or statistical methods to help other people working on a similar project but don't have a strong engineering background.
Demonstrates supercavitation effect
A typical multi-agent setup features wheeled robots (such as Khepera robots, e-Puck robots) and a tracking system to provide global position data to the robots (to close the feedback control loop). The GRITSBot aims at replicating such a setup albeit at a much lower cost as well as with robots significantly reduced in size without limiting the capabilities of the individual robots. Therefore, the GRITSBot is a wheeled differential-drive microrobot that resembles state-of-the-art platforms while closely replicating typical capabilities like wheeled locomotion, wireless communication to a host computer, infrared-based distance sensing, accelerometer and gyroscope, and onboard power for operation up to 5 hours.
Built complete game by basic units of digital electronics like And , OR, mix, etc.
Most probably you will become good in digital electronics and almost you will cover 80% syllabus that will be asked from you in interview of qualcomm, Nvedia and other job profile which are related to digital electronics
First 7 chapters of morris mano book of digital electronics
Wanted to check how effective it is to do torrefaction of biomass to improve the calorific value of the fuel. The selected biomass was banana peels
Torrefaction improves the CV of the biomass
Scihub was the resource
Traffic Light System designed for the 3 way road junction using Digital Logic Designed ASM for flow of events associated with the Traffic Light System of 3 way road junction. Based on ASM designed a sequential circuit using Logic Gates , Flip Flops , Multiplexers , Decade Counter .
GIS based project
Knowledge of any GIS based modelling softwares
Researched about Hydroxyapatite and its uses. Performed step by step synthesis of the material and then characterised it and presented the findings to the judging committee.
I got to know the different processes and techniques used in synthesis and characterisation and the possible applications of hydroxyapatite nanorods.
The mechanism of how a motor can be used to control the water level of a tank.
It was a prototype of a Stirling engine which ran through sunlight
Ive attached my github account link , I've done tons of projects so would be hard to put all in form , please see them