An e-commerce website facilitated with user login/logout, Facebook OAuth, Razorpay Payment API. Initially inspiration was to deploy both models to the website. But then only one ML model could be successfully deployed to website. ML model 1: Disease prediction based o symptoms ML model 2: Chatbot
Got a good job, rest you can see on link provided. (heroku baar baar un–deploy kr deta hai app bata dena re-deploy kar dunga)
Link 1: (is course me course 3 app dev ka hai to can be skipped if not interested) There are three Udemy courses for ML 1. Pyhton bootcamp zero to hero 2. Python and R for Data Science 3. Machine Learning A to Z
Modelled a path tracker bot which is capable of finding path to destination by optimising time and path length. Selected shortest path using Image Processing and controlled movement using Arduino. Tools and Technique used :- Machine learning, OpenCv, Arduino.
Explore machine learning field, and more about optimal path tracking concept to use in real life.
Coursera ML course, basic arduino, docs of OpenCv
We solved inverse kinematics for a legged robot using simple machine learning at first then using ANN.
Apply machine learning to a legged robot to get more efficient functioning.
Many sources available on the internet. Search for medium articles particularly.
You'll find everything in ppt
Automated Path Mapping Robot Sep '18- Oct '18 Constructed an autonomous robot that used an overhead camera and applied image processing techniques using MATLAB. Image Processing techiques were used to extract features from the image about the arena. The bot traversed the shortest path obtained from Dijkstra's Algorithm to perform some tasks.
Just refer gfg for dijkstras also and basic image processing techniques(you can Google them)
It classifies the sentiments of a text review as either positive review or negative review. It used the knowlege of Tensorflow.
It gives the result that the accuracy of training set is more than that of validation set. It gives output as 0 or 1 depending on if the review is positive or negative.
Given a datasets , we have to apply ml algo to predict whether a person has cancer or not
The aim is to predict whether a person is COVID positive or not by examining the CT scan of the examinee.
Deep learning course:
* Developed a CNN based model using Pytorch that classifies the input CT scan images as Covid infected or as healthy ( not infected ). * Input images are filtered using a GRU Layer for better accuracy. * The accuracy obtained from the proposed CR Net model is 79% which is slightly lesser than that of some of the pre - trained standard models. * The prediction time of proposed model is lesser than that of pre - trained standard models. * The model is lighter and is suitable to use on the web.
Implementing Tiles algorithm for dynamic community detection and few other static community detection algorithms
This project is able to detect different clusters in the network and the results can be plotted for comparison
GitHub , Google
1. The task was to predict the level of diabetes of a patient by classification with the help of given data. 2. Data preprocessing and model training knowledge were a must to score well. I used a random forest classifier to train this model. 3. I used Flask to deploy the model on Heroku that was saved in a pickle file.
Detecting drowsiness of a driver from the facial expressions captured by a camera on the steering wheel, and thereby sounding an alarm
Categorised the action of the holder of the mobile into 6 different activities
Useable in tracking devices
1. Built a Human Emotion Detector which takes input from live video feed and detects the faces present at each instant and predicts emotions i.e. happiness, fear, sadness, disgust, anger, surprise and neutral. 2. Used the Kaggle FER-2013 dataset. 3. Built and trained a CNN model for emotion detection.
It detects the faces present at each instant and predicts emotions i.e. happiness, fear, sadness, disgust, anger, surprise and neutral.
Android app to detect type of activities the person is performing using accelerometer reading
The project basically aims to identify suspicious electricity consumers by analysing their electricity consumption data of smart meters. These consumers have a wide irregularities in their electricity readings or very low consumption. Machine learning techniques can be used to visualise and analyse data.
The random forest model used by us gave an accuracy of about 80% in the testing dataset. Further work to increase accuracy can be done.
Machine learning course by Andrew Ng. You can prefer other sources for learning basic techniques.
We have a given data set of Customer eligibility requirements for loan like Gender, Marital Status, Education, Number of Dependents, Income, Loan Amount, Credit History and others. We will apply machine learning algorithms on data set To predict whether the loan will be approved or not.
Kaggle ,analytic vidhya
An application of electronic health record
Use different forecasting techniques to forecast load.
Provided link for lstm, you can take it one step further and create a hybrid of lstm and cnn.
You are provided with a handwritten captcha and you have to guess the characters on that. Used convolutional nueral network, open cv and contours.
Many companies like Adobe with MDSR profile generally ask for machine learning project and also give some questions on the ml topic .
You can watch you tube tutorial for CNN .if you are very new to this course you can start with Coursera ml Andrew ng course.
A recommendation system is built using embeddings for movies and users that predicted ratings by a certain user for particular movies.
You'll get to learn the application of machine learning by building and training your own model.
Coursera | Blogs (towards data science) | optimization courses
Implementation of the traditional movie recommendation engines
Get to learn about great deal about how OTT platforms recommendation and youtube recommendation works. You will need to watch numerous videos and read a number of articles online to understand it to the core. Preferably refer to the 2006 netlfix competition.
This model automates the process of purchasing old cars at reasonable price! Avoids bargaining! Movie Recommender system predicts the ratings that a user would give to a movie he/she has not watched/rated.
The model accuracy is high(~90%) Movie Recommender system: Highly practical, its hybrid system is being used by Netflix, YouTube etc today.
- Analysed and scaled over 30 macroeconomic, political, demographic, and sports-related variables to predict a nation's success in the Olympics. - Used K-Means clustering to gain insights on predictor variables and conducted an in-depth Case Study to draw focus on the most significant success factors for a country. - Applied XGBoost Regressor to train the model and predict the Medal Tally of Tokyo Olympics 2020
Work on pos tagging using cross domain and cross task transfer learning
Google it
Presentation Link Given
Neutal Networks was used to detect amd locate fault
Already made microgrid form matlab website
To classify the given dataset using Random forest classification
Apply two algorithms called Lin UCB, Lin Thomson Sampling mentioned in paper. We have to calculate attraction probability of each movie according to these to algorithms.
Rates the cv of candidate by identifying keywords
Tried to get the selective voice amplified and clear from a noisy crowd using a amplifier system and a ml model trained on specific voice Initiative to separate all the sound sources that are present in class and then amplify profs voice. It Is a very tough problem, so we started with signal separation algorithm(ICA) just applied that. It also needs various specifications. But was good learning. It really stands out in your resume. Believe me or not.
We got the separated voice of our choice but not will full accuracy as the part of amplification was not much focused upon.
Just Google the cocktail party problem Google independemt componet analysis-- unsupervised learning problem. Search about google voice, Alexxa etc.
Tweets from the pre-election period (March-May) were collected from the twitter archive. The collected tweets were classified into two categories, Hate or Not, for subtask A. Hate tweets were further classified into offensive or hateful for subtask B. Compared various Machine learning algorithms like k-NN, SVM, Logistic regression and Random forest based on F1 score and accuracy on our dataset. Used ensemble method on the ML model to boost the performance of the overall model.
The main aim of the project is to get an overall idea about how several people/parties use social media to manipulate the general public or to spread their propaganda.
The dataset contained hourly consumption of the building of span of 2 years.this data is sequential .you need to forcast load variations and find trends and seasonality in data if any.lstm gives best results in most cases.
Code can be found on github.Use medium ,analytic vidhya to study concepts involved.
Forecast load with various model ARIMA, SARIMA, LSTM, unstacked LSTM, CNN, CNN LSTM .
Gain the knowledge of Time -series forecasting.
Proposed a short term load forecasting model based on deep residual networks focuses on the forecasting of loads from several minutes upto one week into the future. Exposure: Python, Keras ,Residual networks
To predict the energy requirement of localities based on smart meter data of customers. So that production and supply of electricity can be managed accordingly and loss could be minimized.
1 or 2 day load requirement of housholds
kaggle data and notebooks
Classifies spam and non spam messages
Coursera deep learning course
Data of many places at different points of time was organised into different time and space bins so that it can be used to analyse trends and behaviour of the region wrt a particular event
You will learn how we can study the region statistics to understand various trends so that appropriate plans can be made accordingly with regards to infrastructure, management etc. (this project can be used for work in the areas of healthcare, pollution, demographics, public amenities, business strategies and economic development etc.)
ArcGIS tutorials on ESRI website and youtube, several other spatio temporal analysis project
If u have an interest in doing ML project but sometimes B.Tech project is more specific towards your branch than this would be perfect for you.
In intern if you sitting for ML field you will have one project extra than other that is Btech project. And with this you will learn about ML algo.
Contact me if you want to do this project, I will provide my Jupyter Notebook and pdf submitted.
Stock price prediction
1. Text Summarization using NLP libraries in Python. 2. Made Flask Based Web Application for interface. 3. Used OCR to generate summaries from Image. 3. Hosted the web app on Heroku.
Classify whether the twit is positive or negative using different classifier
An unbeatable tic tac toe where player cannot win against the computer
Game should run without any error, in any case the game should end in either a draw or with machine winning the game
Using GANs for open-set person re-identification
The task is to implement an automatic number plate recognizer in an unconstrained condition that considers occlusion, poor quality of images, and other spatial variations in image data.
Text obtained from images of Number plates
a novel formulation titled Federated Deep Q Networks (F-DQN) to perform distributed learning for Deep RL algorithms.
Faster Learning than vanilla methods
Ive attached my github account link , I've done tons of projects so would be hard to put all in form , please see them
Apply neural networks to images for classification/identification
kaggle, coursera(Andrew NG), analytics vidhya